At a time of the cost of living crisis it is particularly important that we look after those in need, and that we are generous with what we have – so that those who have enough, share with all.
The Bible tells us to give sacrificially. We need your support not only to cover the running costs of our Parish Church and halls but also to contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways, in particular, to support our mission and outreach projects.
“Giving” is really essential to secure our Church’s future ability to serve our family and community. However, we are aware that circumstances differ enormously, and that your gift will not simply reflect your willingness to give but also your ability.
Ways to Give
By far the best way to give is via the Parish Giving scheme regularly every month – and we believe that in giving to others we should give in proportion to what we receive, i.e. in proportion to our income. Some tithe at 10 percent, others give 5 percent or 1 percent. If you would like details on how to set up a regular donation, please ask us in church or contact the Parish Office or simply go to our Parish giving website Holy Trinity Barkingside Parish Giving Scheme
Other ways you can Give
· A one-off or recurring gift to Holy Trinity Barkingside PCC (Charity number 1128271); You can scan this QR code that will take you to our Giving Website.
· A regular collection is taken at all Sunday services; You can give a cash donation or donate by contactless card payment.
· A gift via a CAF Charity Account or Stewardship / Charity Gift voucher (payable to Holy Trinity Barkingside PCC);
· You may also like to consider making a bequest to (Charity number 1128271) in your will (see: www.churchlegacy.org.uk). Please ask your solicitor when you make or change your will.
Tax Efficient Giving
If you pay enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax Holy Trinity can reclaim, we can use Gift Aid to make your donation worth even more. For every pound you give to Holy Trinity, we can claim back tax from HMRC – it really is that simple. Please ask for details.
Finally …
We recognize that all this can be very challenging. Please be assured we are grateful for and careful with every donation made to the Church, mindful of our duty to use your gifts wisely to grow the presence of God and the Church in our communities